5 Reasons to Consider Arbitration for Your Construction Dispute


In a recent client conference, I was asked, “So what is arbitration, anyhow?” In the context of a construction claim or in seeking to prevent such a claim, there are several significant advantages that arbitration can provide in lieu of litigation. In today’s challenging business environment, this signifies awareness of the various options available that could make an important impact on your business’ circumstance.

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Top 3 New Construction Arbitration Rules That Expand Powers and Challenge Assumptions

When it comes to construction contracts, arbitration and mediation (Alternate Dispute Resolution) are both commonly specified for out of court dispute resolution.  The use of mediation and arbitration in construction contracts, both for small and large construction, has been increasingly common over the past decade.

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Enforcement of New York Arbitration Awards

An arbitrator has ruled in your favor. What do you do now? In a perfect world, the other side would just pay you and be done with it, but we all know that this world is less than perfect, and you may find yourself having to enforce your arbitration award. Before you can avail yourself of the enforcement techniques that are provided by New York law, you’re going to have to follow some formalities. The following elements may be necessary for have your arbitration award ‘confirmed’ and seek collections.

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Alternative Dispute Resolution An Option For Construction Contractors Under NY’S Prompt Payment Act

Perhaps the most common construction-related dispute is the refusal of a party to make payment to its contractors or subcontractors. While litigation is the traditional avenue for resolving such disputes, methods of alternative dispute resolution such as arbitration and mediation are enjoying growing importance in the field of construction law.

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Contractors in New York may not be bound by Architect Certifications

Construction contracts in New York often place the architect or engineer in the additional role of an initial impartial decider as to any disagreement or disputes between the contractor and the owner, in addition to their roles as the design professionals.

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