The traditional maxim of “let the buyer beware” is softened in the context of Article 36-B of the New York General Business Law, which imposes a warranty in favor of the buyers of new homes and holds construction contractors to a standard of skilled workmanship.
Contractors, meanwhile, must be aware of the circumstances in which the law implies such a warranty, which exists regardless of whether it is stated in a contract: the warranty that arises upon a sale of a new home underscores the need for contractors to act scrupulously—and work skillfully—in transactions with residential home buyers.
Article 36-B of the General Business Law imposes a “housing merchant implied warranty”. But when does this warranty apply? The law imposes the warranty on “the contract or agreement for the sale of a new home.”[1] A “new home” is defined as a single family house or a for-sale unit in a multi-unit residential structure (such as a condominium) which is five stories or less, but not a dwelling constructed to be leased, a mobile home, or a house or unit in which the builder has resided for more than three years.[2]Thus, the warranty has a broad application to residential construction projects. It must be noted, however, that the Appellate Division of New York State’s Supreme Court, in Sharpe v. Mann,[3]decided that the warranty does not apply to the construction of a custom home on vacant land which the customer already owns.
The housing merchant implied warranty guarantees that a new home will be free of certain defects for a set period of time which varies as follows:
- The home must be free of defects due to poor workmanship (including violations of state and local building codes and deviations from accepted building practices) for one year;[4]
- The home must be free of defects in the installation of the plumbing, electrical, heating, cooling, and ventilation systems for two years;[5] and
- The home must be free of physical damage to load-bearing portions of the home such as the foundation, walls, floors, and roof framing for six years.[6]
The building or seller can exclude items from the housing merchant implied warranty by replacing it with a written limited warranty, but the standard of workmanship must nonetheless meet or exceed relevant building codes and ensure that the home is safe, and the limited warranty cannot reduce the warranty period or require the homeowner to submit to arbitration.[7] For that reason, even a business-savvy contractor with the assistance of an attorney must, at a minimum, construct a residential property in a skillful, workman-like manner and conform to the building code. However, the General Business Law is clear that the warranty excludes defects in work or materials that were not performed or supplied by the builder or its subcontractors and employees and defective designs provided by the builder’s design professional.[8]Essentially, a home buyer cannot use the warranty to hold a contractor accountable for acts or omissions that are the fault of third parties that the contractor cannot control.
Finally, the law establishes a procedure which homeowners must follow in order to make a claim under the warranty. First and foremost, the homeowner must provide the builder of the home with written notice, which must be received within thirty days of the expiration of the relevant warranty period.[9] At that point, the builder is entitled to a chance to inspect the home and repair the defect.[10] The court in Finnegan v. Brooks Hill, LLC[11] established that failure to comply with this procedure is fatal to any lawsuit, requiring dismissal.

Second, the homeowner must file a lawsuit to enforce the warranty within a set period of time. This period depends, like the timeframe for written notice, on the type of defect, and requires a homeowner to file suit within one year after the expiration of the applicable warranty period or within four years of the warranty coming into effect, whichever is later.[12] This basically means that a lawsuit for a breach of the warranty involving general defects due to poor workmanship or poor workmanship in the installation of the plumbing, electrical, heating, cooling, or ventilation systems will need to be filed within four years of the purchase of the home, and a lawsuit for a breach of the warranty involving defects to load-bearing portions of the home will need to be filed within seven years. On the other hand, if the builder makes repairs after being given notice of the defect, the lawsuit must be filed within one year after the last of the repairs are performed,[13] which could, theoretically, extend the limitations period even further.
In the event that a court finds that a builder breached the housing merchant implied warranty, the damages will be the costs of repairing or replacing the defective items, up to the value of the house, or the amount by which the value of the home is reduced by the defect, if the court finds this to be more proper.[14]
Article 36-B of the General Business Law substantially alters the rights and responsibilities to the parties in contracts for the construction of new homes. For homeowners, the housing merchant implied warranty means that they have a right to expect their homes to be constructed skillfully, safely, and in conformity with applicable building codes, but they must follow a strict procedure if they wish to enforce the warranty. For contractors, the housing merchant implied warranty establishes a basic level of skill which is required in the construction of new homes but codifies their right to notice and an opportunity to cure any alleged defects. In any event, the advice of an experienced attorney is recommended both when contracting for the sale of a new home and in the event of a dispute.
Your comments and future article topic suggestions are invited in the field below.
The author, John Caravella Esq., is a construction attorney and formerly practicing project architect at The Law Office of John Caravella, P.C., representing architects, engineers, contractors, subcontractors, and owners in all phases of contract preparation, litigation, and arbitration across New York and Florida. He also serves as an arbitrator to the American Arbitration Association Construction Industry Panel. Mr. Caravella can be reached by email: or (631) 608-1346.
[1] N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law § 777-a(1).
[2] N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law § 777(5).
[3] 34 A.D.3d 959, 960, 823 N.Y.S.2d 623, 624 (3rd Dep’t 2006).
[4] N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law §§ 777-a(1)(a) and 777(3).
[5] N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law § 777-a(1)(b).
[6] N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law §§ 777-a(1)(c) and 777(4)
[7] N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law § 777-b.
[8] N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law § 777-a(2).
[9] N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law § 777-a(4).
[10] Id.
[11] 38 A.D.3d 491, 833 N.Y.S.2d 107 (2nd Dep’t 2007).
[12] N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law § 777-a(4)(b).
[13] Id.
[14] Id.
My cousin just bought a new home a couple of months ago, and he just found out that there are some construction defects. I found it interesting when I read that legally, the home must be free of defects due to poor workmanship. I will recommend him to contact a real estate attorney to help him get better advice.
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Thanks for letting us know about this matter. After reading this article i think we should ask warrenty from the contrators.
Great post! Its amazing that if they dont give us after sells service on there work which is under warrenty. We can sue them !
wow i didnt knew that they are so strict about warrenty. Good to see this post. Really appreciate your affort and letting us know about this.
Thanks for the information. Really good work. I think warrenty is a sensitive issue.
Thanks for sharing , Was looking for this information for a long time. Really appareciate!
I am really happy to se this post. Thanks for sharing the article.
Good to know about this. Thanks a lot for sharing. Good job
Warrenty is really important. I would recommend you to make sure about warretny policy.
I dont know much about warrenty. Thanks for letting me know
Your all tips are amazing and thank you for giving us. I am going to hire a home improvement contractor easily for my work.
This is definitely some great info to consider, I have been looking for solid tips while looking for a home myself. Thanks!
Thanks for the valuable info my guy!
Thanks for sharing this article! I found a lot of value in it. It’s important for contractors and homeowners to be on the same page.
Love this Article! Contractors should be aware of the situations where the law indicates such a guarantee, which persists regardless of how it is stated in an agreement: the warranty resulting from the purchase of a new home emphasizes the need for contractors to act carefully and work expertly exchanges with home owners.
Warrenty is really important. chaned my mind on warretny policy!
Amazing write up! Thanks for this submit.
Thanks for sharing this article! I found a lot of value in it. It’s important for contractors and homeowners to be on the same page. Appreciate it!
I am really happy to see this post. Thanks for sharing the article.
Great article! At Georgetown Premier Concrete, we often work with homeowners navigating warranty-related concerns during repairs or modifications to their concrete structures. It’s crucial to understand the implications of implied warranties, especially as they intersect with state and local building codes. Your breakdown here is a valuable resource for homeowners and contractors alike.
If you’re ever exploring topics like how seasonal changes impact concrete or the role of green technology in repair methods, we’d be happy to contribute insights. Keep up the excellent work in providing clarity on these essential legal issues!
Thanks for letting us know about this matter. After reading this article I think we should ask for a warranty from the contrators.
Warranty is really important, and I personally care much about it whenever we provide our concrete services to clients.
Keeping a warranty is important when you are actually buying or taking some services. Thanks for such a valuable lesson.
amazing article keeep it up